The production of high-quality basic ration from meadows, pastures and whole crop is the basis of every grassland farm. Ruminants are fussy about their forage. The quality of their basic ration will determine whether your animals consume the forage in high quantities, or not. In addition to energy content, odour and taste, a low crude ash content plays a critical role.
They go for a basic ration that is clean and nutritious. The amount of concentrates used can be reduced. This cuts feeding costs while at the same time improving animal health.
Yet producing the best forage is not done by coincidence. The foundation for this is laid by the botanical composition of the crop. The volume and quality yielded here must be maintained along the entire harvest chain.
That is why at PÖTTINGER we provide you with a tool to prepare your forage for clean, tidy, loss-free harvesting: the TOP rake.
"We need machines that have excellent ground tracking. That is is really important to me and also the reason why we work with a PÖTTINGER rake.
We have a TOP 662 with MULTITAST jockey wheel system. This allows the hay to be picked up cleanly from the ground without the tines scratching and digging into the soil. That's how we can prevent dirt ingress into the forage."
Christophe Chambon, Farmer
Sancey | France
"I run an organic farm with 120 hectares. I also have a sheep farm and a contracting business. That is where I use the TOP 1252 C. A clean and tidy swath and a good raking quality are essential for high output and clean harvesting, which this rake delivers in full. Because forage quality is what matters most to my customers, I have equipped my rake with the MULTITAST jockey wheel system."
Dominik Anzengruber, Farmer and Contractor
Geiersberg | Austria