The production of high-quality basic ration from meadows, pastures and whole crop is the basis of every grassland farm. Ruminants are fussy about their forage. The quality of their basic ration will determine whether your animals consume the forage in high quantities, or not. In addition to energy content, odour and taste, a low crude ash content plays a decisive role.
They go for a basic ration that is clean and nutritious. The amount of concentrates used can be reduced. This cuts forage costs while at the same time improving animal health. The bottom line is that you benefit from clean, high quality forage with more profit from your farm business.
Yet producing the best forage is not done by coincidence. The foundation for this is laid by the botanical composition of the crop. The volume and quality yielded here must be maintained along the entire harvest chain.
A mowing process that conserves the grass is the best basis for clean forage. Ultimately, this is about maintaining the correct cutting height of 6-8 cm. That is how crude ash ingress is reduced to a minimum right from the start of the harvest chain. Subsequent harvesting machines then do not have to work so close to the ground to collect the forage cleanly. At the same time, sufficient residual assimilation area remains for the grass to grow again more quickly.
If the ground is not level, it is essential that the mower has good ground tracking capabilities. This is important for maintaining the set cutting height and preventing dirt ingress as the first cause of forage contamination.
Thanks to their unique ground tracking system, optimum weight alleviation of the cutter bar, and excellent cutting quality, our mowers give you the basis for a clean forage harvest and rapid regrowth of the plants.