International World Milk Day takes place on June the 1st every year. PÖTTINGER grassland technology contributes to the production of the best forage: The best cutting quality, ground tracking and low disintegration losses characterise our machines, which have won multiple awards.


A day at work with Pawel Kalka

Dairy farm
Osiek, Poland


Pawel Kalka's dairy farm is located in Osiek, a village in the Opole region of Poland. The farm has 115 dairy cows and 110 hectares of grassland. Thanks to good grassland management, they harvest the best quality forage. The cows are fed with a TMR, which results in them producing a high milk yield of up to 40 litres per day. The farm delivers some of its milk to "Firma Fan agri", the family's own cheese dairy, whose main product is a traditional cooked cheese.


A day at work with Maximilian Kellerer

Dairy farm
Kolsass, Austria


Maximilian Kellerer operates a hay-milk farm in the Inn Valley in Tirol with 12 dairy cows and calf breeding. He also has three Haflingers and breeds horses. From spring to late autumn, the cows graze out on the pasture. In winter, the animals are kept in a barn where they are free to move around. Here the animals are fed with the best hay from the farm's own meadows.

The farm has always been a member of the Kolsass Alpine Dairy Cooperative, which Maximilian also presides over as chairman. The dairy uses hay milk sourced exclusively from ten nearby farms to make soft cheese that is sold locally.


A day at work with the Merli family

Dairy farm 
San Pietro in Cerro (PC), Italy 


The farm "Società Agricola Merli" is located in the Piacenza region of Italy. The family farm is run by Giovanni Merli and his family in the second generation. About 180 cows are milked every day and the all the milk goes into the production of the highest quality "Grana Padano" brand of Parmesan cheese.


The president of the cheese company is Egidio's father, Giovanni Merli.

This means that the entire value chain is in family hands, guaranteeing the best quality from the field to the table.  


A day at work on the farm at Gaec des Roches du Dard

Cattle farm and dairy  
Sancey, France


The dairy farm "Gaec des Roches du Dard" is operated by four partners and managed by Christophe Chambon. The 110 dairy cows are allowed to move freely on the pasture during the day. When they return to the barn in the evening, they can look forward to the best quality hay with the best nutrients.

When they are milked in the morning, part of the milk goes directly into cheese production and is immediately processed into the regional speciality, Morbier.

The direct and extremely short distance between the cows and the cheese ensures that none of the milk's flavour is lost along the way and the highest quality dairy products are created.

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