The timing of the first cut in grassland farming coincides with the fawning season of roe deer and other wild animals. Due to their natural reflex to seek cover, fawns do not run away from danger. This instinctive behaviour makes it especially difficult to spot animals hiding in the grass. It happens over and over again that animals are seriously injured or even killed during mowing.
Livestock also endangered
If the carcass of a wild animal ends up in the clamp, it will decompose and contaminate the forage. Under anaerobic conditions, bacteria of the species Clostridium botulinum produce the neurotoxin botulinum.
Feeding silage contaminated in this way can expose cattle, sheep, horses and poultry to life-threatening botulism.
SENSOSAFE is an automated sensor-based assistance system that detects animals; during mowing it enables you to identify fawns and other wild animals hiding in the field and to save them from getting caught by the mower. You prevent carcasses from contaminating your forage and avoid the risk of your cattle contracting botulism. This system helps you protect wildlife and your livestock at the same time.
A bar with near infrared sensors is mounted in front of the mower. These work independently of daylight and temperature. Unlike thermal imaging cameras, you can rely on SENSOSAFE to work properly in all types of operating conditions.
With SENSOSAFE you complete two tasks work in one: Mowing and detecting wildlife. No additional time or personnel needed for searching the fields prior to mowing. What's more, you don't need special training or a permit to operate the SENSOSAFE system.
“On the pilot farms at INNOVATION FARM Wieselburg, the performance of SENSOSAFE has completely convinced us of its reliability. An average triggering probability of 92% was recorded across all test variants. In normal conditions, reliable detection is possible at any (technically reasonable) driving speed. In extreme conditions (crop height of 60 cm or more), mowing speed needs to be limited to around 10 kph to reliably detect and rescue animals."
INNOVATION FARM Wieselburg | Austria