The frog is tempered to provide maximum strength and stability for mouldboards or slats. The single-piece shares sit on a forged raised part to give a precise, durable joint.
1. Angle adjustment
An offset allows adjustment of body angle for reliable penetration, even in extremely hard, dry soils.
2. Large landsides for reliable plough tracking
The landsides can be used four times to ensure cost efficient use of the parts. Landside protector standard on last body.
DURASTAR reversible points are standard
Chisel points with deposition welding. Single-piece points are reversible for reduced operating costs. The single-piece points are manufactured from hardened boron steel and guarantee good plough penetration in all soil conditions.
All shares are manufactured from hardened boron steel. Increasing the hardened wear zone extends service life by up to 50 %. The 11 mm thick shares have a total width of 150 mm. The forward taper aids good penetration and has the effect of being self-sharpening.
3. Share blades
Share blades made from 8 mm hardened fine grain steel are used on mouldboards in the area of greatest wear. They are quick and easy to replace.
4. Full-length combined share and point
with powerful wear points. A large angle guarantees good penetration. Highly suitable for stony soils and shallow ploughing. Armoured DURASTAR combined share and point are available as an option.
5 Furrow widener for wide tyres
Furrow wideners are available as an option for all ploughs and mould boards. These can only be used without disc coulters.
A clean disc coulter cut guarantees precise turning of the ridge and a clean furrow.
Adjustable bracket
One bracket for Standard and PLUS ploughs. Depth is adjusted using toothed segments.
Mounting moved forward so the disc coulter is in front of the skimmer. Plenty of space for large quantities of maize straw and organic matter.
Mounting moved back so the disc coulter is close to the skimmer for light, free-flowing soil and shallow ploughing.
Disc coulters, smooth or scalloped
500 or 590 mm diameter with good self-cleaning characteristics.
Star-shape indentations keep disc coulters rotating.
Especially wide bearing spacing for the highest durability.
Scalloped disc coulters rotate well in high levels of organic matter.
Spring-mounted coulter disc
Spring-mounted coulter discs are available for SERVO NOVA ploughs with overload protection.
Landside knife coulter
The landside knife coulter is a cost effective alternative to the disc coulter.
Suitable skimmer shapes mean there are no crop residues on the surface after ploughing.
Skimmer adjustable without the need for tools
Same shank for all skimmers with multi-stage depth adjustment - no tools required. Distance from the mouldboard is adjustable via the hole matrix. The skimmer is load-protected using a shear bolt.
V1 universal skimmer
Suitable for all conditions including maize straw.
V2 maize skimmer
For large quantities of organic matter, cover crops and deep tillage.
V3 universal skimmer
Suitable for shallow working depths.
V4 RW synthetic fertilizer skimmer
For light, non-cohesive and sticky soil.
V6 maize skimmer
Large, high skimmer with additional trashboard, used to work in large amounts of organic matter.
1. Trashboards
Alternatives for shallow ploughing and stony soil.
2. Leg deflector
Leg deflectors improve ploughing results in large quantities of organic matter while protecting the leg.