To ensure the best working results, PÖTTINGER offers the right mouldboards for all soil types and operating conditions. The different lengths and curvatures are available as sold as well as slatted mouldboards. Shallow as well as deep ploughing can be achieved with consistent quality.
Incorporating large quantities of straw and plant residues places special demands on a plough. Thanks to the large underframe clearance and sufficient point-to-point spacing, organic matter is reliably conveyed under the soil without blockages. Skimmers and trashboards are available as an option to provide additional assistance with this task.
Underframe clearance of either 80 cm or 90 cm (standard and PLUS ploughs)
Point-to-point spacing 102 cm
Wide choice of additional tillage tools
The wide furrow bottom clearing of the plough bodies means that wide tractor tyres can be used. As an option, a furrow widener can be used to expand the existing space in the furrow. A subsoiler can be added to loosen the bottom of the furrow and give plants access to deeper soil layers. The space available for plant roots and usable field capacity are increased and ensure higher nutrient and water efficiency.
The optional disc coulter and landside knife coulter provide a well-defined furrow edge. This is particularly important for field boundaries as well as for ploughing grassland.
Up to the edge of the field
The plough beam is designed to enable ploughing to the very edge of the field. The support wheel runs inside the last body. This means that clean and tidy incorporation of plant residues and weeds is possible without crossing the field boundary.