Optional track eradicator tines can be fitted to break up compacted tractor wheel marks.
An optional front board can be installed to compensate for uneven ground in front of the disc harrow. Additional levelling in front of the tyre packer can be carried out by a levelling board.
In ideal feature for loosening and breaking up hard and compacted tractor marks.
The reversible point is coated with hardened metal in the wear zone.
Each individual track eradicator is protected against overloading by a spring.
The working depth of the eradicator tine is easily adjusted.
Raised at the same time as the disc harrow at the headland.
On areas with a well-prepared seedbed the intensity of the disc harrow can be reduced, which in turn reduces the power requirement.
Long service life thanks to tungsten carbide coating
3 versions with 1, 2 or 3 tines per track
The front board ensures perfect levelling when used in ploughed fields.
Good flow even with large quantities of harvest residues
Hydraulically infinitely adjustable at a maximum working depth of 40 mm
The levelling board in front of the tyre packer also promotes a fine tilth structure.
As the flow of soil behind the disc harrow is slowed down, it is directed downwards in front of the packer.
Levels ridges between the tyres on light, sandy soil
The angle and height of the tines can be adjusted individually.
Adjusted without the need for tools
Resistant to stones and harvest residues with each tine on its own spring
Is raised at the headland and for road transport