The potential yield at harvest depends on precision seed placement. The seed should be placed in a damp slot and covered with fine soil – regardless of whether the soil in which it is placed is light, heavy, dry or damp.
Uniform seed placement is of paramount importance for optimum crop management and ultimately a high-yield harvest. Homogeneous germination can result in uniform crop growth, enabling precise and effective application of pesticides. Crop that ripens evenly also contributes to improved harvesting performance.
Thanks to the different coulter systems for a wide range of conditions, the PÖTTINGER seed rails ensure a uniform placement depth and perfect seed emergence.
Suffolk coulter and single-disc coulter: depth and coulter pressure adjustment is performed via a main spindle at the left of the implement. The coulter pressure is adjusted centrally using a spring mechanism. Precise spring alignment on both disc gangs guarantees uniform coulter pressure. Socket pins control the depth of the coulters via optional press wheels.
DUAL DISC coulter: Coulter pressure and seed depth are adjusted centrally by spindles.
Alternatively, coulter pressure on all disc systems can be adjusted hydraulically (except on the CLASSIC models).
Optional depth guidance rollers with a diameter of 250 mm and a width of 40 mm (330 mm x 50 mm standard on the DUAL DISC system) ensure even more accurate maintenance of consistent seed depth. In addition, the seed slot is safely compacted for perfect soil coverage of the seed which guarantees fast germination.