PÖTTINGER E-Mail Newsletter

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PÖTTINGER Issue 201, 15 of October 2024


The autumn season has begun and we would like to inform you about the PÖTTINGER annual report for the past financial year and a new sales subsidiary in the Netherlands. The AEROSEM VT seed drill is now available with Profiline control system and the new PLANO stubble cultivator has been released. Also take a look at the grassland fanvideo.

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PÖTTINGER annual report 2023/2024
PÖTTINGER, headquartered in Grieskirchen, Upper Austria, maintained a strong position during the financial year 2023/2024 (reporting date 31 July). With an unchanged high export ratio of around 90 percent and a consistent share of the market, PÖTTINGER remains a highly relevant global player. PÖTTINGER machines are used by farmers and contractors all over the world.
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NEW: PLANO VT 6060 stubble cultivator
PÖTTINGER expands its range of arable products with the new PLANO VT 6060 trailed stubble cultivator with a working width of six metres and six rows of tines. During development, great importance was attached to shallow and all-over cutting. This makes the cultivator the specialist for conserving groundwater, preventing erosion, mechanically suppressing weeds and tillage for catch crops. But it has even more to offer!
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NEW: Profiline control system on the AEROSEM VT seed drill
The trailed pneumatic seed drill combinations AEROSEM VT 5000 DD and AEROSEM VT 6000 DD with working widths of 5.0 m and 6.0 m respectively are now equipped with the Profiline comfort control system to make them as versatile as the range of applications they handle in the field.
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New sales subsidiary in the Netherlands
PÖTTINGER will intensify its presence in the important Dutch market with the founding of PÖTTINGER Netherlands. The new subsidiary will bring the specialist for arable farming and grassland even closer to its customers and to the pulse of the times. The company will be able to supply the Dutch agricultural machinery trade even better with machines, service and spare parts.
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Fanvideo: Three PÖTTINGER machines in action
A visit to Markus and Patrick from Styria (AT). The two brothers run a large dairy farm together with their parents. Three different PÖTTINGER models are used for the 3rd cut. Enjoy watching them!
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  Your PÖTTINGER Newsletter Team  

The Newsletter is published by:
PÖTTINGER Landtechnik GmbH
Industriegelände 1
A-4710 Grieskirchen
Tel: +43 7248 600-0
E-Mail: info@poettinger.at

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Managing directors::
Dr. Markus Baldinger, Mag. Gregor Dietachmayr, DI (FH) Jörg Lechner, Mag. Herbert Wagner, Mag. Wolfgang Moser

Company reg. nos.:
Co. reg. no.: 100969 i Landesgericht Wels
VAT reg. no.: ATU22260005
DVR 00907860

© 2024 PÖTTINGER Landtechnik GmbH 