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Issue 189, 17 of July 2023
Dear Sirs,
In wishing you a successful summer harvest for 2023, we bring you the following topics: The new MERGENTO F ALPIN for pure application flexibility. Thousands of visitors flock to the PÖTTINGER Open House and Smart Farming Days. A video demonstrating the reliability of the JUMBO loader wagon, as well as a selection of action-packed videos taken by PÖTTINGER fans. Take a look!
Your PÖTTINGER Newsletter-Team
MERGENTO F ALPIN – the best forage
With the MERGENTO F 4010 ALPIN another milestone in steep terrain mechanisation is set. The merger collects the forage using its controlled pick-up. Without further contact with the ground, the cross conveyor belt transports the forage to the swath. This results in two major advantages.
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New video: More than 11,000 visitors at Pöttinger Open House Day
A superlative show of performance on 01 July 2023. Over 11,000 people flocked to the locations in Grieskirchen, St. Georgen, Taufkirchen and TIZ Landl on 01 July 2023 to witness the company's expertise and innovative strength. PÖTTINGER provided a varied and entertaining day out for the whole family.
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PÖTTINGER at Smart Farming Days
This year's Smart Farming Days in Bohmte, Lower Saxony (GER), provided exciting insights into digital agriculture for today and tomorrow. The central question was: How can agronomic data be collected, transferred and evaluated in such a way that it benefits farmers?
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New video: JUMBO reliable operation
The JUMBO has been designed for maximum reliability and safety. Continuously increasing demands in terms of output in ever shorter harvest windows make it more important than ever to have machinery you can rely on. Whether it's clean and tidy crop collection, the individual knife protection system, conserving the soil or being able to drive safely at higher speeds, the JUMBO offers maximum reliability.
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Fan video: PÖTTINGER ROTOCARE working in soybeans
Holzner Agrar (GER) sent us a video of the ROTOCARE V 6600 operating in a soybean crop with great results.
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Fan video: PÖTTINGER mower in action
Grass master with the PÖTTINGER NOVACAT 302. It really shifts!
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Your PÖTTINGER Newsletter-Team |
The Newsletter is published by:
PÖTTINGER Landtechnik GmbH
Industriegelände 1
A-4710 Grieskirchen
Tel: +43 7248 600-0
Imprint |
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Managing directors::
Dr. Markus Baldinger, Mag. Gregor Dietachmayr, DI (FH) Jörg Lechner, Mag. Herbert Wagner, Mag. Wolfgang Moser
Company reg. nos.:
Co. reg. no.: 100969 i Landesgericht Wels
VAT reg. no.: ATU22260005
DVR 00907860
© 2023 PÖTTINGER Landtechnik GmbH |