Visit PÖTTINGER at Agritechnica from 12 to 18 November 2023,

at Hall 27 / Stand F49


Everyone needs agriculture!


PÖTTINGER has been working for decades under the tagline "Everyone needs agriculture!" to raise awareness of farming and all its ecological aspects. It expresses appreciation for farming and everyone working in the agricultural sector. After all, they are the people who provide us with a reliable supply of high-quality food and provide professional care for our countryside. What PÖTTINGER contributes is the very latest developments in machinery and performance to enable sustainable and cost effective operation while at the same time as making work easier. While developing its machines, the company focuses on „the best soil“ and „the best quality forage“ because they provide the basis for success. At our trade fair stand you can experience an interesting cross-section of our comprehensive range of arable, grassland, and digital farming solutions.


Overview of trade fair stand







Steep slopes, uneven terrain and huge differences in elevation - these are the operating conditions that we at PÖTTINGER know best. Austria is not only home to a large share of the Alps - it is also the home of PÖTTINGER.

Experience PÖTTINGER's unique ALPIN technology live at the trade fair stand.



Arable farming


Soil is the essence of our life since it provides the basis for high quality nutrition for us and our livestock. Healthy soil is one of the provisions for optimising your yield.


Discover our ploughs, stubble cultivators, disc harrows, power harrows, compact combinations, seed drills and crop care machines at our trade fair stand.




Clean, energy-rich forage is the basis for healthy, high yield animals and therefore the basis for profitable milk and meat production. As a farmer you will already know that at every stage it is worth improving the quality of the basic ration as far as possible. Forage quality begins with a carefully-maintained sward followed by innovative forage harvesting and forage conserving technology. PÖTTINGER machines stand out for conserving the soil and forage during operation.

The wide selection of grassland machinery, ranging from mowers, tedders, rakes and loader wagons to round balers can be seen at Agritechnica.


Digital agricultural technology


Following the increase in digitalisation of agricultural technology it is becoming more and more important to network individual systems and define brand-independent standards. Data exchange between individual components is possible thanks to PÖTTINGER's cooperation with various service providers, bringing many advantages into the field.


Check out our innovative solutions for yourself at our trade fair stand.


Parts / Service


Durability and top performance - characteristics that PÖTTINGER is committed to delivering. Using the highest quality spare parts and wear parts is a central criterion. That is why we manufacture PÖTTINGER Original spare parts and wear parts from the highest quality materials. We source our raw materials exclusively from central Europe and Scandinavia. We ideally match all spare and wear parts to your machinery's overall system. This means that different soil and operating conditions often need to be taken into consideration. We have been listening to our customers and now offer three different lines; CLASSIC, DURASTAR and DURASTAR PLUS to make sure you have the right part to meet every requirement. Original parts are worth every cent, because Know-how cannot be copied.


Audience Award: Vote for the JUMBO 8000!


The JUMBO 8000 has been nominated as FARM MACHINE 2024 in the „Forage Collection“ category.

The multipurpose rotor loader wagon is characterised by its short-chop knife bank and its fully automatic AUTOCUT knife sharpening system.

The 65 individual knives chop the crop to a length of just 25 mm, providing the basis for the highest quality forage. In addition, the sharp chopping system knives guarantee a uniform chopped length, lower energy consumption and increased throughput capacity.

With the JUMBO 8000 you produce high-quality basic ration for your animals and maximise their yield.


An expert jury of international editors from the trade chooses the best machines. In addition, there is the Audience Award. That's where will be counting on your vote!

From now until 11 November 2023, you can vote once a day using the following link and choose the short-chop loader wagon as the audience's favourite:

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