Recipe for success: controlled pick-up

Best forage quality thanks to careful crop handling

Pöttinger in Grieskirchen/Austria have been building loader wagons since 1963. As a result the company can look back on almost 50 years experience in building loader wagons. A controlled pick-up has been fitted to all loader wagons right from the very beginning. As the pioneer in this technology, we developed this system to ensure perfect operation in all conditions and clean and careful handling of the forage.

In recent years several manufacturers have been offering systems with uncontrolled/fixed rotor pick-ups. This compromise is still regarded as controversial among farmers, and for good reason.

The advantages of the Pöttinger controlled pick-up are impressive and plain to see.

The rollers on the tine row control levers run in a defined cam track. The cam track controls the position of each row of tines during the following phases:

  • Picking-up
  • Transferring
  • Extracting tine from crop.

The tines on the Pöttinger pick-up are slanted forwards at the tip. This makes the tines act like a „pitch fork“, lifting the crop carefully away from the sward.
At the same time the relatively low speed of the pick-up is decisive for clean forage. Plus, the perfect transfer of the crop to the loading rotor ensures optimum chopping quality.


If the tines do contact the ground, the controlled pick-up has clear advantages in terms of forage cleanliness. This is clearly demonstrated by the following facts:

  • Low pick-up speed
  • More elastic tines
  • Tines angled forwards (pitch-fork effect)

which enable the pick-up to be positioned higher so that less contamination enters the flow of crop. Thanks to the angle of the tine points there are no losses during raking.
The forage is also picked up more carefully. This leads to lower losses and no crop is flung out to the side while cornering.

The uncontrolled system

The uncontrolled pick-up does not have a cam track and the tines are rigidly secured to the pick-up drum. This presents a high risk of forage being drawn through the transfer plates because the tines are not extracted from the crop at the right angle. A number of optimisation steps have been introduced in the past on uncontrolled systems to prevent the crop being drawn in.

Change Negative effect
Step-by-step speed increase up to + 80% More losses, lower chop quality, higher load on tines and drive system
Scraper shape Active tine length reduced
Change in tine angle Fender shape → worse at lifting and conveying
Tine rigidness increased Many tine breakages, cultivator effect
Tine angle From lifting to pushing away → Pick-up has to be positioned lower

These changes have clearly brought about a reduction in function and quality. When tines touch the ground then 4 – 6 times as much contamination enters the flow of forage.


The controlled pick-up is a key feature for ensuring the trouble-free operation of the loader wagon.

  • Operates smoothly and tidily in all operating conditions
  • Keeps forage clean
  • Improves chopping quality

To load crop cleanly and carefully in all operating conditions from spring to late autumn it is essential to invest in a Pöttinger controlled pick-up system. After all, top quality forage is the basis for high-yield and healthy animals.

PDF 'pöttinger pick-up' Pöttinger Pick-up
The controlled Pöttinger pick-up –
the no-compromise concept for success
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