NOVACAT 352 ED rear-mounted mower

New dimension in performance

This year again, Pöttinger has another exciting mower innovation in the offing: the NOVACAT 352 ED rear-mounted mower with a working width of 3.46 m. This new model also features a hydraulic lower linkage arm, the central element in guaranteeing easy mounting without having to adjust the tractor hitch struts.
Using the hydraulic lower linkage arm the headstock can always be brought into the correct horizontal position - independently of the geometry of the tractor hitch. In addition, this system optimises weight alleviation as well as providing excellent ground clearance (50 cm on the inside) for headland turns and transport on the road.

During transport the mower is pivoted through 90 degrees to the rear. This ensures a low transport height. The double-acting cylinder for pivoting to the rear also serves as collision protection. If the mower impacts an obstruction it folds to the rear. This system ensures that the mower is ideally protected against severe damage. The new NOVACAT 352 ED mower features hydraulic weight alleviation. A clearly-visible pressure gauge is fitted to the mower frame and the ground pressure can be simply be adjusted if needed using a double-acting remote valve. Uniform pressure on the ground is the result – the principle requirement for protecting the crop and the ground.

The mower unit is stabilized by a small cylinder to cancel out oscillation. This makes turning easier and ensures safety and stability at the headland and during transport.


The NOVACAT 352 ED is equipped with the new ED tine-type conditioner for airy and uniform forage placement: The new position of the intake plate and the rounded geometry of the conditioner hood ensure perfect crop flow and a rapid, uniform drying process. In addition, the steel tines mounted with rubber buffers guarantee an extended service life. Maintenance is easy: the belt tension is visible from outside and the rotor bearing lubrication line is also routed to the outside where it is easily accessible.

NOVACAT 352 ED with conditionner

NOVACAT 352 ED with conditionner

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