
Manufacturer-independent, wireless data exchange

The agrirouter is a web-based data exchange platform. A free account can be used to send data such as jobs from your field indexing software directly to the CCI 1200 terminal in the tractor. This can also be carried out in the reverse direction by sending machine-related data directly to your farm PC.

Transparency: You define the routes on which the agrirouter transports your data.

Data security:agrirouter does not store any data - you retain full control.

Data exchange without agrirouter
Data exchange without agrirouter
Data exchange with agrirouter
Data exchange with agrirouter

We are agrirouter ready

You can use the agrirouter for sowing technology in conjunction with our VITASEM and AEROSEM with electric metering drives and TERRASEM seed drills. In the harvesting sector, our ISOBUS-compatible loader wagon range FARO, EUROPROFI, TORRO and JUMBO can be connected to the agrirouter. These machines are able to document and make available data that is meaningful in terms of the work carried out. This data can be sent wirelessly from the tractor to the office as a standardised ISO-XML file using the CCI 1200 terminal. Likewise, you can send jobs wirelessly from your farm management system to the CCI 1200 terminal in the tractor. You no longer need a USB drive for data transfer. Even a machine fleet from a variety of manufacturers poses no problem for data transfer via agrirouter.

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Manufacturer-independent, wireless data exchange

The agrirouter is a web-based data exchange platform. A free account can be used to send data such as jobs from your field indexing software directly to the CCI 1200 terminal in the tractor. This can also be carried out in the reverse direction by sending machine-related data directly to your farm PC.

Transparency: You define the routes on which the agrirouter transports your data.

Data security:agrirouter does not store any data - you retain full control.

Data exchange without agrirouter
Data exchange without agrirouter
Data exchange with agrirouter
Data exchange with agrirouter

We are agrirouter ready

You can use the agrirouter for sowing technology in conjunction with our VITASEM and AEROSEM with electric metering drives and TERRASEM seed drills. In the harvesting sector, our ISOBUS-compatible loader wagon range FARO, EUROPROFI, TORRO and JUMBO can be connected to the agrirouter. These machines are able to document and make available data that is meaningful in terms of the work carried out. This data can be sent wirelessly from the tractor to the office as a standardised ISO-XML file using the CCI 1200 terminal. Likewise, you can send jobs wirelessly from your farm management system to the CCI 1200 terminal in the tractor. You no longer need a USB drive for data transfer. Even a machine fleet from a variety of manufacturers poses no problem for data transfer via agrirouter.

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  • Get valuable information and tips on all PÖTTINGER machines
  • Specific information on your PÖTTINGER machines in "My Machines".
  • Instruction manuals, spare parts lists, maintenance information, as well as all technical details available online
  • Machine-specific documentation for all PÖTTINGER machines built from 1997 onwards available online


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