Pöttinger stays strong against huge fluctuations in demand

Pöttinger stays strong against huge fluctuations in demand

Revenues consolidate at just under EUR 500 million

The Austrian family-owned company PÖTTINGER, headquartered in Grieskirchen, Upper Austria, maintained a strong position during the financial year 2023/2024 (reporting date 31 July). With an unchanged high export ratio of around 90 percent and a consistent share of the market, PÖTTINGER remains a highly relevant global player. PÖTTINGER machines are used by farmers and contractors all over the world. Following years of extreme growth, revenue consolidated at EUR 491 million. Germany is still the highest profile market, followed by France and Austria.


From compact alpine implements to large-scale technology for primary tillage, seed drill technology, crop care machines, grassland harvesting and digital agricultural technology - PÖTTINGER puts the needs of its customers first. The most important sector in sales terms continues to be grassland technology. For decades, PÖTTINGER has been the world market leader in loader wagons.


PÖTTINGER is working intensively to further extend its arable farming technology division. Following PÖTTINGERs acquisition of the Italian manufacturer MaterMacc in 2022, precision planter technology has now become established as an additional, successful product segment. PÖTTINGERs "Original Spare Parts" division ensures a long-term supply of spare and wear parts at short notice. Sales of EUR 65 million (up six percent on the previous year) is generated with around 118,000 deliveries per year.


Getting results is teamwork

As a family-owned company, PÖTTINGER stands for a team focus with good interaction between people. The company currently employs 2,216 people (50 more than the previous year) with 37 different nationalities. 1,266 employees work in Austria, 447 in the Czech Republic, 227 in Germany, with the others working at subsidiaries around the world. PÖTTINGER has 15 service centres and seven training centres that supply spare parts, support, training and service to customers in 85 countries on five continents. PÖTTINGER operates sales locations all over the world, as well as five production plants in Europe, two of which are in Austria (Grieskirchen and St. Georgen), and one each in Germany (Bernburg), the Czech Republic (Vodnany) and Italy (San Vito al Tagliamento).


Efficient and responsible

PÖTTINGER acts responsibly regarding the environment. The company takes every available opportunity to optimise the use of energy, avoid wastage and reduce waste. Each stage of product development reduces environmental impact compared to the previous model. In recent years, PÖTTINGER has invested strongly for more efficiency and sustainability.


A sustainable business

During the financial year 2023/24, the whole of the agricultural technology industry suffered a downturn in expectations as a result of customers shying away from investment. Nonetheless, PÖTTINGER is going to grab this opportunity to implement strategic measures aimed specifically at aligning processes, optimising costs, and increasing efficiency within the company.


Despite the challenging economic and geopolitical situation, Spokesperson for the Management Team, Gregor Dietachmayr, has a positive outlook: "We are continuing to develop our products, and are working on new products to inspire our customers and impress them with our innovative creativity. Together with our employees, we will stay strong during these challenging times, and look to the future with optimism."

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