Press texts
Always well–informed:
Here you can find the current press releases and images of product innovations and the comany.
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PÖTTINGER: SERVO 4000 now with On-Land Ploughing Option

For maximum soil conservation and more user-friendliness
New SERVO 2000 Compact Hitch-mounted Reversible Plough

Perfect ploughing with PÖTTINGER
PÖTTINGER Netherlands founded

Direct support of the Dutch agricultural machinery trade through Pöttinger sales subsidiary since 16 October
PÖTTINGER launches new FOX 3000 D compact combination

Efficient seedbed preparation for the best working results
New: LION V 6040

Pöttinger adds 6.0 m model to medium weight folding power harrows
AEROSEM FDD featuring the new coulter rail

15 cm row spacing on seed drill with pressurised front hopper
PLANO VT 6060: New Stubble Cultivator from PÖTTINGER

Precision for shallow, all-over cutting
New AEROSEM VT with Profiline control system

Conserves the soil, compact and manoeuvrable
Pöttinger stays strong against huge fluctuations in demand

Revenues consolidate at just under EUR 500 million